Use "duality|dualities" in a sentence

1. Dvaita means duality, and Advaita means nonduality

2. Nirvana is beyond all terms of duality and relatively.

3. I had become trapped in the Black-White duality.

4. Since Branes can be obtained by dualities from the fundamental string, Branes are fundamental

5. Branes as the dimension of that U-duality representation

6. The duality of nature : sometimes quiet and sometimes active.

7. The duality illustrated in Mailer's work is rather different.

8. Advaita is the path to transcend this superimposed duality

9. How to describe the wave-particle duality of light?

10. I have come to show you unity beyond duality.

11. Everything is in the form between wave and particle ( duality ).

12. Duality also makes the choice of forum a complicated question.

13. Quantum Langlands duality of representations of -Algebras - Volume 155 Issue 12

14. 30 The Soul and the Understanding represent these dualities psychologically, recreating within man the structural dualism of the cosmos.

15. The “duality” involved in Adjunctions extends to 2-cells as well

16. The theory for abelian locally compact groups is called Pontryagin duality.

17. Official Languages Sport Canada is committed to further advancing linguistic duality.

18. More particularly, they are associated with the duality of good and evil.

19. In simple terms, Advaita means absence of the duality between subject and object.

20. Through this representation the duality of kinematic and dynamic variables is easily recognizable.

21. Underneath the circle were the words interaction, search for truth, and polarity / duality.

22. I am still aware of my physical body, duality, during this whole experience.

23. Advaita Vedanta, also known as Non-duality, is the most powerful Hindu philosophy

24. In this paper we investigate the applicability ofBurkard's duality concept for algebraic objective functions.

25. Dualities were found and established among strongly semi-simple many-valued algebras, polyhedral many-valued algebras and many others.

26. The duality conditions for multiobjective semi - infinite programming with semilocally convex functions are given.

27. • the proposed activity(ies) must meet the objectives of the Promotion of Linguistic Duality component ;

28. This image then supports the general idea of the duality found throughout all of nature.

29. Exploring the duality of absence/presence, what appears as object Coetaneously identifies as empty, negative space

30. The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli - Palestinian peace.

31. Duality principle is a powerful tool for the analysis of topological structure of power electronic circuits.

32. His poems reveal the duality of his nature, the joy and hope, the fear and despair.

33. So teachers should try to overcome this duality in the educational context, and be a dialogist.

34. Researchers then applied these dualities to the study of open problems such as the characterisation of finitely generated projective many-valued algebras.

35. Amphibolite Hornblende Crystal - Tumbled Stone - Polished Stone - Gemstone / For Duality • Choices • Clarity / Intention Third Eye Aquarius CrystalCaveCo

36. In Quantum Mechanics, we understand this wave-particle duality using (complex) probability Amplitudes which satisfy a wave equation

37. We show that the restrictions through FESR imposed by exchange degeneracy are weaker than those of duality.

38. From a functional analytical point of view the following topics are investigated: scalarization, generalized multiplier rule and duality.

39. THE LIVING TEACHING Wayne teaches ancient Advaita (non-duality) in a modern style that is uncompromisingly direct and intuitive

40. 29 In this paper the answer is explored by experiment combined with wave - particle duality and uncertainty principle.

41. Through metaphor Thoreau renders the self and nature in total interrelationship without slighting either half of the duality.

42. In 1990 Skandalis was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Kyoto (Operator Algebras and Duality).

43. The duality of finitely presented many-valued algebras and rational polyhedra was then obtained by specialising such an adjunction.

44. He considered unity and duality to be gods which rule the universe, and the soul a self-moving number.

45. Meditative techniques were designed to eliminate this struggle, to overcome the duality and to promote a more balanced mental condition.

46. I have quoted the passage from which the phrase comes, showing how Wells was painfully aware of our duality.

47. It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one, echoing the Incan concept of duality.

48. Hindi: ·absolute oneness, one without a second, non-duality· monism··(Hinduism) Advaita vedanta (a branch of Hinduism)

49. As expected, just as functors can be derived, the same is true for Adjunctions: (4.14)RF : D(A) → D(B), RF = δ B • F • R A , Derived Isbell dualityWe study a duality result between dg-modules (and also bimodules) which is a vast generalisation of the duality of vector spaces over a field.

50. Advaita is an eclectic group of friends interested in meditation, yoga, enlightenment, self realization, non duality teachings (Advaita Vedanta, Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Taoism).

51. The double solutions correspond possibly to the wave-particle duality in quantum theory, and connect the double solution theory of the nonlinear wave mechanics.

52. Paul Stephen Aspinwall (born 26.January 1964 in England) is a British theoretical physicist and mathematician, who works on string theory (including dualities, mirror symmetry, D-branes, and Calabi-Yau manifolds) and also algebraic geometry.

53. But the occidental advocate duality, in their opinion, ideal life and true life may be self-existent. This mode of life possess intensitying transcendental consciousness.

54. 4 Such as blackbody radiation and photoelectric effect of light also has revealed the phenomenon of particle, ie,( with wave-particle duality of light.

55. This duality reinforces the dynamic of the Patisserie juxtaposing the intimacy of the pastry display with the intensity of the open kitchen and surrounding social nodes.

56. Experience life in all possible ways - good- bad, bitter- sweet, dark- light, summer- winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become. Osho 

57. The presentation also covers Amplitudes in perturbative supergravity, 3D Chern–Simons matter theories, and color-kinematics duality and its connection to 'gravity=(gauge theory)x(gauge theory)'

58. Thus, the Jordanian Circassians share a duality whereby they have a sense of belonging to Jordan, and yet feel strong ties to their Caucasian identity and the Caucasus

59. From wave-mechanics and wave-particle duality viewpoint, several group-velocity faster-than-light experiments was a great success, then we expect that the meta-electrons may be exists.

60. Middle dimension While for most dimensions, Poincaré duality induces a bilinear pairing between different homology groups, in the middle dimension it induces a bilinear form on a single homology group.

61. This paper introduced the photon concept (although the name photon was introduced later by Gilbert N. Lewis in 1926) and inspired the notion of wave–particle duality in quantum mechanics.

62. The duality between Covariance and contravariance intervenes whenever a vector or tensor quantity is represented by its components, although modern differential geometry uses more sophisticated index-free methods to represent tensors

63. 6 One of the most endive and significant cultural phenomena in the 20th century is the alliance between TV and advertising. TV advertising has the duality of being practical and aesthetic.

64. With a similar duality, the children at Broadway Elementary in Los Angeles are learning to talk in English and Chinese, and some are becoming trilingual due to a Spanish-speaking parent.

65. In Euripides’ Bacchae, careful examination of the character Dionysus illuminates discrepancies in action based on gender.Ultimately, Dionysus’ effeminate nature compounded with his subversive measures toward women and male proclivities suggest an inherent duality.

66. On the other hand it is simple to construct a group algebra, the spectrum of which captures the Fourier transform's basic properties, and this is carried out by means of Pontryagin duality.

67. Ambivalence is eminently suitable for capturing this duality as it enables us to take into account the dynamics peculiar to age(ing) and move beyond those conventional rigid distinctions which fail to grasp key nuances.

68. Introducing the two vector spaces of displacement gradients and of Piola stresses, which can be put into duality by a bilinear form, conjugate, and complementary energy functions are defined with the aid of Fenchel's transformation.

69. Keep calm and trust those that have your future in their hands, as your final period in duality will end very soon and you will progress in accordance with your previously agreed life plan.

70. The syllabus includes: Convex sets, functions, and optimization problems; basics of Convex analysis; least-squares, linear and quadratic programs, semidefinite programming, minimax, extremal volume, and other problems; optimality conditions, duality theory, theorems of alternative, and

71. The first widespread inception of this duality at 2.71–2.65 Ga in the Superior and Slave Provinces, Canada, and in India and Australia, may reflect one of the first supercontinent aggregations involving accretionary, “Cordilleran style” tectonics.

72. To achieve this, the researchers need a deeper comprehension of duality theory for the algebras of many-valued logics, advance representation theory for algebraic semantics and to map theoretical studies into formal systems geared towards applications.

73. Although Bogomils regarded themselves as "Trinitarian",[29] anathemas against Bogomils (circa 1027) charge Bogomils with rejection of the Trinity.[30] Opposition to institutions and materialism The essence of Bogomilism is the duality in the creation of the world.

74. If the group is neither abelian nor compact, no general theory is known with an analogue of the Plancherel theorem or Fourier inversion, although Alexander Grothendieck extended Tannaka–Krein duality to a relationship between linear algebraic groups and tannakian categories.

75. The Bildungsroman becomes television shows, graphic novels, and films, and they feature new communities of characters (formerly jostling for space as, in the expression of Alex Woloch, the ‘many’) in the glory of their indivi-duality or particularity, inscribed as such.12

76. More algebraically, one can abstract the notion of a Poincaré complex, which is an algebraic object that behaves like the singular chain complex of a manifold, notably satisfying Poincaré duality on its homology groups, with respect to a distinguished element (corresponding to the fundamental class).

77. Work focused on several specific problems, including ramified spectral covers, explicit examples of families of smooth curves having infinite monodromy for the Hitchin connection in rank 2, vector bundles in positive characteristic, and affine Lie algebras of the celebrated strange duality isomorphism between spaces of generalised theta functions.

78. As a social reflex of these two fundamental conceptions, characterized by the preeminence of the female (demetric or Aphroditic) principle, or of the male principle we have the gynaecocratic or the androcratic type of society; a duality of which, however, the matriarchal or the patriarchal societies are only the extreme cases, for a

79. Minority official language communities have asked to be consulted systematically by federal institutions that are developing policies or priorities on linguistic duality, to be informed of actions being considered in order to achieve those priorities, and to be kept abreast of actions actually undertaken and the results achieved (or not) over a given period.

80. This duality in the conception of God as well as in the relation between God and man , is explained by Dr Radhakrishnan in this way : When man tries to apprehend Absolute Reality through his limited intellectual faculties he cannot go beyond the conception of a personal God whom he regards as a being separate from himself .